Greatfun4kids blog is running a fun weekly photo challenge, ‘Kids Click‘, for children who love to snap photographs. This week’s theme is ‘I LOVE…’ And I love my baby sister, Alice. by me (Charlotte) age 6 going on 7 year’s old. For rules, and how to join in the fun, click here… UPDATE: Results are…
Author: Charlotte
Scrumptious fairy cakes in the lunch boxes
On Wednesday we made fairy cakes, which Sophie and I decorated. They made a colourful addition to the lunch boxes for the rest of the week! Recipe here! It was a scrumptious time. You’ve got to try the fairy cakes. We scoffed the fairy cakes from our lunch boxes at morning tea. Yah! They were…
The Magic Fart Day
One day in a city lived Mrs. Ratbag and Mr. Ratbag. They lived at number 99 Fart Bay Road. Their phone number was 297829694. Mr and Mrs Ratbag spent all their time farting. They were professional farters. Actually, they were the most professional farters in all the universes. Mr Ratbags favourite fart was a wet…
Descriptive Colour Poem by Charlotte, Age 6
Red is the colour of an angry face, Blue is the colour of the wavy deep sea, Orange is the colour of a beaming sunset, Green is the colour of soft grass, Yellow is the colour of a flashing lightening strike. Silver is the colour of a shinning car
The Shocking, Annoying, Crazy, Stupid, Disgusting, Tricking Test
Charlotte, aged 6 and three quarters, here and I am loving Andy Griffiths books at the moment, illustrated by Terry Denton… these are the tests on the back of the book to find out if this is the right book for you! It took me a long time to type them all in (3 hours!)….
Charlotte’s Day at the Waterfront
Charlotte’s first blog post: On Saturday the 10th of April I went kayaking with my Dad. We saw lots of fishes in schools but best of all we saw a Giant Ray. The Ray was about as long as the paddle. We found it under the wharf near Te Papa. It was amazing. I was…
Attention Seeking Trike
Mummy humours my dozen requests a day to, ‘Tell story of how Trike went to scrapyard.’. I then intervene on her story telling with frequent direction to ensure the story is told to my liking. ‘Trike went to the scrapyard [the trampoline] having lost numerous races and was just about to be turned into scrap…
Charli Love Cars!
I am crazy about cars and today we visited The Southward Car Museum.
Three and a Quarter
In the past month my life has changed dramatically, the reason being is that Sophie is now mobile (horrors!).
Betty Crocker!
My baking adventures continue. This week I set about with Daddy to make beautiful blueberry muffins. Wowee! They almost came out as good as what they look like on the packet.
Charli got to “Get Her Energy Up!”
Family Lee have a new toy for the garden – a trampoline. Mummy and Daddy put it up in the living room, whilst Sophie and I were asleep
Artist At Work
Mummy’s ‘Laundry Room’ is actually my ‘Art Room’ and some AMAZING creations are made there. Remember, ‘It’s fun to get messy AND it’s fun to get clean!’.
Hey, It’s COOL Being Three!
It’s been a while since I ‘posted’ a note on the website, as I have been very busy organising our new house. Being three is very COOL.
I am 3!
I am 3 year’s old and the sun came out to help me celebrate my Birthday. I woke feeling grumpy, as I had a streaming cold, but when Mummy told me the magic word, ‘Presents’, I soon had a smile on my face!