Christmas catering

Friends of old will know I’m not the best in the kitchen. It took me many years to get over my fear of going near the cooker (okay, it’s not THAT bad!) and baking, well, I was never going to go there! The only experience I had of baking was in ‘Home Economics’ at school and I remember feeling so nervous, but feeling very proud at the end of it.

Since becoming a parent I’ve tried to put my cooking phobia to one side and give them an opportunity to get involved in the kitchen (but I’m rather like a duck on water – trying very hard to put on a calm, serene face for the children, whilst paddling like mad with internal waves of trepidation).

On Sunday, we were invited to a friend’s house for a BBQ – but this was no simple burgers and sausages. It was the Christmas dinner of my dreams (minus the turkey and cranberry sauce) cooked Kiwi style on the BBQ. A full roast lamb cooked on a charcoal BBQ accompanied by the most delicious spread of salads. I almost fell off my chair backwards when the word, ‘Dessert’ was uttered (“What! Pudding too!”). In my house we don’t have pudding – it’s a piece of fruit, yoghurt, ice-cream and that’s about it! I have occasionally cooked a fruit crumble, but that’s as far as it goes! Anyway… this is what was for dessert… all home made of course…

The girls had a wonderful time and delighted in the company of the other children – so much so that all the parents had a wonderfully relaxed time – what a treat! Our friend’s house is set overlooking Lyall Bay, with stunning views. The back garden is such a classically English ‘country garden’ with roses and flowers aplenty and a thriving vegetable path. What’s more, the BBQ was within staggering distance of our home! Girls finally fell asleep at 9.30pm and woke around 8.00am – just enough time to rush through the morning routine and out to school for the 9.00am bell! Thank goodness the loooong summer hols are only three week’s away!

And just to prove I can be adventurous in the kitchen… here’s a gingerbread house I made one Christmas (before I had children of my own) for a party we threw for friends (many of whom had children). Okay, I know it’s nothing amazing – but I gave it 100% effort!

Now, if I could just get several hours of complete quiet in the house I could get creative once more (I cannot cook and parent at the same time – I need 100% peace to get in the right frame of mind!). Lots of love! x