Tomorrow is like the pages of an unwritten book. Tomorrow we choose which foot to start on – be it the left or right, good or bad. Every new day holds promise and we choose how to live it – no matter how the odds are stacked against us. Sometimes those odds seem unsurmountable and the obstacles impossible. It takes incredible strength, resolve and inner spirit to keep going when those days weigh heavy on us.
Tara set the challenging theme of ‘Tomorrow‘ in ‘The Gallery’ at her blog this week.
I thought of my children walking out the door each day, with their school bags on their backs, getting older before my eyes – without me really noticing – until one day they walk down the drive and away on their own life journeys. I didn’t get an opportunity to take the picture I had in my mind – with little Alice toddling between them, her journey on life’s path only just starting out with the most innocent of footsteps.
I thought of their little hands and feet growing each day – whilst mine seem to weather with time.
I thought of their heads getting a little closer to mine with the passing of time.
I thought of how it feels to greet each new day and how some ‘tomorrows’ can be so full of excitement – Christmas, Birthdays, holidays – and how others can be full of fear – job interviews, doctor’s appointment, starting a new job.
And then I thought about the most life changing ‘tomorrow’ in our lives so far; which was undoubtedly the ‘tomorrow’ we became parents. I’d had a long labour– starting early one Friday morning and continuing all day and through the night. We just kept holding on till ‘tomorrow’. And our baby finally arrived at 11.12pm on Saturday night – nearly kept us waiting for another ‘tomorrow’!
Every one says a baby will ‘change your life’. No one and no book can explain how much. Our ‘tomorrows’ are now filled with so much more than they were before. More hopes, more fears, more dreams and aspirations. More willingness to try to step out on the right foot each new day for the sake of our children.
Tomorrow is full of possibilities. x
Please visit ‘The Gallery’ for some wonderful, inspiring and funny perceptions of ‘Tomorrow‘.