Wellington from on high one sunny Saturday…
Family time in the beautiful natural sanctuaries that Wellington holds dear. Appreciated, loved, protected and nurtured by many that care…
Delighting in Alice’s awe of nature and forever expanding our own knowledge and appreciation.
Special time with our big school girl on Monday, who loves learning with a passion but finds that school just isn’t always enough and the ‘peer pressure’ can overwhelm her.
She is such a wonderful, self-driven, independent learner. She thrives given the opportunity, time and space to be creative. And sometimes the confines of a classroom and a textbook need to be given a break. Seeing a Pygmy Blue Whale skeleton and learning about native species in the wonderful exhibitions at Te Papa she is driven to learn with a passion.
Special time on Tuesday with our new school girl, who has settled in so well and needed a little breathing space. Nearing the end of Term 1 and 11 weeks is a long time for one so young.
Loving our daughters sharing and playing together. Loving seeing Alice look up to her sisters and try to do as they do (dependent on what they are doing!). Alice now likes to try and draw (in between taste testing the pens, chalks and crayons). Walls, tables, clothes beware!
Calm Friday mornings. Just Alice and I. Though we miss the rest of the family, we also love this special time. Watching the boats, the ducks and the sea-gulls. Pointing at the planes, the cars and the bikes.
Finishing off the week with a swim at the pools and looking forward to the weekend together.
Loving meeting wonderful people through this blog and being invited for scrumptious cake with home-made plum sauce, fresh cream and yoghurt (more on this story to come… thanks again Phil!). And loving this doll’s house (channeling Katherine Mansfield and her wonderful short story: The Doll’s House), which the girls loved too (and Sophie wrote about in her school news book). The girls are hoping to raise some funds to buy the doll’s house from our new friend Phil at the upcoming school car-boot sale.
Hoping for friendly weather for ‘Welly Walks the Walk for Christchurch‘ tomorrow!
Something to love, every day of the week.
What are you loving this week? Hope it’s been a good one for you x
Linking up with Paisley Jade: Things I’m Loving…
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for… no matter how simple it is.