School’s Out for Summer!

Happy Christmas from Charlotte end of the school year

Last day of the school year today!

It was an early start – 5.30am for Sophie, Alice and I! Dan crawled in at 2.00am, after his work Christmas drinks (much merriment was enjoyed at The Cross, where they sat sheltered from the rain in the outdoor courtyard playing giant Jenga and Trivial Pursuit).

I tried to lie in (with Alice crawling over me, mauling me and pulling my hair). Sophie tried her best to be quiet (which was actually quite remarkable for her). By the time I admitted defeat, and wearily hauled myself downstairs, Charlotte was up, dressed, had made her own school lunch and was eating breakfast (at 7.00am).

Dan crawled out of bed and was remarkably sprightly considering his evening escapades.

In the two hour’s before school drop off I made Florentines, Dan lovingly brushed the tangles out of Charlotte’s hair, we wrapped the gifts for the teachers and moved the dining table and coffee table into the garage read for the party tea set-up (rain is forecast for tomorrow – but still very muggy). The garage is now tidy, swept and waiting to be decorated.

Sophie is playing away happily, Alice is napping and I’m taking ‘5’ before the party preparations really begin in earnest.

Though feeling tired at the crack of dawn, Dan and I actually felt pretty good by 9am. The grey cloud that has dampened our movements a little this week has lifted.  There’s a feeling of celebration in the air. The Christmas music blaring out of the stereo this morning was greeted with happy faces dancing around the living room.

Charlotte went off to school with her beautiful wrapped gifts, adorned with home-made gift tags. I love the home-made crackers she has made (she’s been collecting toilet rolls since early October!).

Gifts for teachers from Charlotte

Sophie, Alice and I will wonder up to school at midday for the early finish to the day.  Charlotte looked gorgeous with her new dress on from Grandma and hair in a pretty Christmas bow. Alice thought her big sister rather wonderful too – playing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ on the piano this morning.

Happy, Happy Holidays!

Charlotte playing the piano for Alice

