Daddy was home from work between Christmas and New Year so we had lots of fun days out and about. One day we went for a walk at a place called Makra Beach. We walked up a steep hill and the views were amazing, I felt like I was flying.
On New Year’s Eve we went to Island Bay and played in the sand and at the playground. It was a lovely sunny day. We were all very tired in the evening and went to bed before the ‘magic hour’, but celebrated on New Year’s Day instead. Mummy and Daddy phoned my Grandparents and we listened to party noises on the telephone from all the way round the other side of the world. We all got very excited after hearing so much laughter so we decided to have our own little party. Mummy and Daddy had some sparkling orange juice (which made them giggle a little bit!) and we got out my musical instruments and danced around the living room.
2005 is going to be a really exciting year for me as I learn new words and explore the world around me. I am learning to say new things every day and love drawing, painting, swimming and telling my dolls and teddy bears what to do. I also like trying to help Mummy in the house and trying to dress myself, but it takes alot of practice and is quite hard work! We’re having a lovely summer here and I’m enjoying running around without my nappy on. I’ve managed to go in the potty a couple of times but most of the time I help Mummy clean up my mess as it’s very hard to get to the potty all of the time! I’m still enjoying Mummy’s milk, but think this might be the year I finally say ‘bye, bye’ to ‘baaboo’, I think I’ll have to if I want to have a little brother or sister!