Autumnal sunshine has bathed our Easter weekend in shades of Spring. Only the silver-birch tree, with its leaves turning to shades of yellow, hints at the reality. The nights draw in. The blanket of stars, and recent full moon, have brought great wonder and excitement to our two little darlings who have, until a month or so ago, been asleep by the time darkness falls. Now they talk of planets and solar systems. Beginning to wonder on the mysteries of the Universe and our small planet of life in an eternity of space.
Easter, a time of rebirth, stories of old told and retold. Messages of hope. Learning to live with awareness and focus on the now. Letting tensions pass over; not catch us in their web. We are so grateful for all that we have and the love that unites us. This weekend has been filled with a multitude of moments truly filled with the joy of life.
From crafts and chocolate to music and wine. Leisure time at the wave pool, on the mini-golf course, at the beach and the Zoo.
Easter Sunday started early, with a treasure hunt at 7.30am. We were more than ready for a fry up by midday! Dan took the girls down to Carlucciland whilst I prepared for the company of good friends. I toured the sculptures with the girls quite recently and they were keen to show their Daddy around… and they were in for a treat – a play on the soon to be opened mini-golf!
They returned just in time for the fun to begin. Charli had made the most lovely little Easter baskets for the children to gather eggs hidden around the garden. They all had such a lovely time. It was fabulous to share the afternoon with lovely friends and their amazing children. After a wonderful evening, Dan and I sat out under the stars with our neighbours till late. Warmed by the patio-gas heater, underneath a blanket of stars and surrounded by candles (to keep the nasties away!).
Thanking the Universe for all that we have, all that we are and all that we are yet to be.