Cosmos flowers, fresh from the garden, filling a vase in the kitchen on Monday morning.
Picked with Alice, whilst the rest of the house slept, just after 6am.
Bare feet on dewy grass.
My windowsill littered with shells, crystals, gem stones and jewelry.
A gift from my Mum, a reminder to live every day to the full –
To embrace each moment –
To let Alice paint, whilst I got the washing on for the day –
To pin up her painted fish on the window-pane –
To open up the play dough and create, whilst breakfast waits.
The sweet peas on the left of the photograph, also picked whilst the dew was still on the grass.
Sweet peas lingering on – as Autumn takes hold in New Zealand, but still basks us in sun.
Crazy fun on a Monday morning, after the breakfast dishes have long gone
& Daddy’s gone to work (after he lovingly cooked an omelette for his oldest daughter and ‘dippy’ eggs for his other two).
Body paint covering the patio tiles, waiting for the rain and a scrubbing brush to clean it away –
body paint which then covers the bathroom, carpet and floor!
A morning with all my girls at home.
Easter school holidays lingering on for my dear oldest daughter (back to school on Thursday).
A visit from a dear friend and a first meeting with her beautiful baby daughter.
Delightful to see my daughters all in awe of such a precious new life.
An afternoon of cleaning up and organising for a Sunday garage sale.
An afternoon of a lovely long nap for Alice (and one for me too).
Time to play with wonderful new neighbours.
Children running in and out of each others homes, happy and free.
Dinner to cook.
Dishes to do (Daddy comes home and does the honours).
A child’s bedroom that desperately needs cleaning – paper strewn everywhere, clothes on the floor, a desk hidden somewhere.
A caring mother who spends an hour sorting –
a grateful daughter who can find things again and can start a new school term feeling organised.
Bath time and p-jays.
Cuddle time and quiet time.
9.30pm and the children are all sleeping.