Last week was one of those weeks when I was surprised from Monday through to Friday with the ideas and creations presented to me by my children. Alice woke up on Monday morning telling me how to make a lava lamp in a glass (she’d discovered this on YouTube) and wanted to know if I had oil, aspirin and food colouring… tick, tick, tick and presto!
This was our lava lamp in a glass (before I’d had a chance to make a coffee!) on Monday morning…
On Tuesday our STEMdeluxe kit from Steve Spangler arrived, so all other projects were side-lined on Tuesday whilst we had fun with fake snow making!
Later in the week Alice discovered a great channel on YouTube, called Mini Gear, and wrote down the instructions needed for us to make this clever little money box together! It was a great project for 8 year old Alice to learn about careful measuring, following instructions and then cutting and constructing to make the mechanism work (I had time to make a coffee alongside the making too!).
Here’s the instructional video if you’d like to have a go at home!