Autumn mushroom #NaPoWriMo


On the edge of the forest path, defiant to the shortening day, the fungi’s startling colour stood, bold red, with white spots, under which a fairy ought to play. It stood in stark contrast to the greens and browns, tree roots, rotting leaves and muddy ditches. Autumn could not be ignored and the mushroom warned not to dwell on dark days, but to see the season’s riches, and find magic on the path ways.

bold red defiance
see the magic on the path
fall not to darkness

© Sarah Lee, 1 April 2017


Joining with National Poetry Writing Month – NaPoWriMo.

This poem is written in the style of a ‘Haibun‘ – a new form to me, given as an ‘early bird prompt’ on the NaPoWriMo blog.

“The haibun is the combination of two poems: a prose poem and haiku. The form was popularized by the 17th century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. Both the prose poem and haiku typically communicate with each other, though poets employ different strategies for this communication—some doing so subtly, while others are more direct.

The prose poem usually describes a scene or moment in an objective manner. In other words, the pronoun “I” isn’t often used—if at all. Meanwhile, the haiku follows the typical rules for haiku.” By Robert Lee Brewer, September 3, 2012: Haibun Poems: Poetic Form