It’s been a busy weekend here of ‘spring cleaning’ in Wellington, New Zealand.

Succulents flowering on a road island, beaming with joy and happiness, making me smile and warming my heart on a stroll with my dog.
The children have been busy playing with their neighbourhood friends, leaving hubby and I with plenty of time to sort out, declutter, get the garden ready for summer and so on and so on… however, it hasn’t all been work and no play.

Starfish seen on my walkies with the dog this ‘avo. Poor pinkie had been left high and dry, after the tide had turned, so I popped the little dude back in the sea. #gooddeedfortheday
There’s been plenty of music and fun, walks in the sunshine between the chores and even time to admire the amazing full moon rising over Lyall Bay.

Full moon rising over Lyall Bay – I only wish my phone camera could have captured what my eyes could see!
Looking forward to the weekend ahead now, with a mixed bag of weather (typical spring) and plans to make the most of it all the same!