My Sunday Photos from Mother’s Day in New Zealand

I woke with no expectation – or even desire – for breakfast in bed. I’m past the days of sleep deprivation making a lie in a luxury I lust after. These days, thank the heavens, my daughters don’t wake me for night feeds or cuddles (I had three daughters that didn’t sleep through the night properly till they were three YEARS of age!). I enjoy my routine of getting up and washed to enjoy breakfast in the kitchen (rather than listening to them in the kitchen quarrelling over who should do what in order to bring me something in bed).

Gone too are my night owl days – it took me till I was in my very late thirties, but now I embrace early nights and waking with the birds (though I do highly value an afternoon nap, whenever the opportunity presents itself, or a quiet read of a book in bed). So, I woke around 6.30am to happy children (tick!) after a great night’s sleep. The sun was shining around the corners of the blinds and another warm, autumnal, day was forecast.

My daughters had all just finished the first week of term two, with a positive stride, making me a happy Mumma, and melting my heart one evening when I found the older two reading a play with their youngest sister.

Reading a play together before bed.

Reading a play together before bed.

After breakfast, feeding the small petting farm of pets, and fixing a pair of roller blades from training wheel formation to full straight lined grown up variation, I was ready to face the day! My family must think I need fattening up as my mother’s day presents consisted of chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates, oh, and fudge, yum! My ten year old delivered a hand written card attached to the back of her remote control car – a novel delivery that made me smile. My oldest daughter had wrapped the chocolates with her beautifully hand-folded paper hearts and personal decorations. My youngest gave me the sweetest little hand-written card, starting with the words, ‘Dare Mum’ – meaning ‘Dear’ of course, which made me quietly chuckle.

We had no absolute plans for the day, other than my oldest daughter having rehearsals for a school production. We nearly bolted out the door to the recreation centre in Kilbirnie, for a spin on the roller blades, but a phone call soon put that idea to bed (it wasn’t open). I was actually quite relieved! Instead, I enjoyed a relaxing coffee and a chance to ‘put my face on’ (make-up  / war-paint / polly-filler). I was then of the mind to Skype my folks in the UK, knowing they were staying with my dear sister, in the beautiful Peak District of the UK. I was so thrilled that they were in and ‘online’ and we had a really fun chat – it was as though we were all within one room together (apart from the pixel vision – that occasionally cleared up enough for me to see their smiles properly and snap a photograph of them together!).

My dearest Mum, Dad and sister.

My dearest Mum, Dad and sister.

After a wonderful chat we headed out to take my oldest daughter for a costume fitting, and whilst we waited for her we had a fun time playing at the school tennis courts. Then we headed around to Scorching Bay for smoothies (coffees for Mum and Dad) and a play at the beach, before taking our oldest back to rehearsals for the afternoon and picking up another daughter’s friend to play at our house for the avo.

Scorching Bay Beach

Scorching Bay Beach

I enjoyed a quite afternoon nap whilst the children played, before hubby offered up the chance of a run. I was feeling a bit jaded from my ‘monthly visitor’ (#tmi but #keepingitreal) and a little too much vino the night before… ahem) so said no, but then rolled over to see a message from my lovely friend and neighbour asking if I’d like to head out for a walk. I decided a walk was actually just what I needed and I’m so, so glad I went, whilst my dear hubby kept a watch over our children and our neighbour’s two as well. We enjoyed a beautiful 6km stroll around the neighbourhood, as the evening colours painted the sky.

A lovely walk with my neighbour and friend, a perfect way to finish Mother's Day,

A lovely walk with my neighbour and friend, a perfect way to finish Mother’s Day,

I feel very blessed to have three healthy, happy, kind hearted daughters in my life, so full of creativity and curiosity. And fortunate too to have the love of my supportive husband, who puts his whole heart into being an amazing father to his three daughters.

Raising our children so far away from our own family in the UK hasn’t always been easy, but it’s all we’ve known and are so grateful for easy communication and Skype. The love we carry in our hearts is boundless and carries with ease across the oceans.