You lit up the sky… a poem | Day 1 #NaPoWriMo

It’s National Poetry Writing Month (or Global Poetry Writing Month)! This is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April (more information here).

I’m not much of a poet, but I do enjoy trying to capture what I see and feel in words. I haven’t written much poetry recently, but hopefully this challenge will inspire and motivate me!

Here’s my first poem for the month, inspired by the most glorious sunset the other evening on the south coast of Wellington, New Zealand.

You lit up the sky,
with a final beam of beauty,
before the blanket of darkness,
could steal your colours,
trailing your fingertips,
on the hills and bays,
leaving purple kisses,
as your light was extinguished.

© Sarah Lee, 1 April 2016

