Carlucciland never loses its appeal. We drive past it every day on the way to school and my six year old, in particular, always asks when we can fit in a game.
Well, today, with hubby keeping our ten year old and her friend amused (with a lovely trip over the hill to Martinborough for the last Te Kairanga Farmer’s Market of the spring/summer season – sob) and our twelve year old busy in rehearsals for a school production, the opportunity was ripe.
So, we grabbed the moment and set off for a game of mini-golf and an explore around the sculptures of metal and stone (and numerous other materials!).
Alice played a fair game (with only a couple of moments when I turned a ‘blind eye’ so she could sneak in another try – particularly on the uphill holes and when the wind wasn’t playing fair!).
In all honesty she played great and has now got her putting stance down to a fine art!
She genuinely potted a couple in two holes (where I stumbled and took four or five goes!).
I always love this mini-golf for the creative holes, that hug the hilly landscape, and make use of gravity and recycled metal to send the balls on surprising trajectories.
The metal mini-folk, and animals, climbing around the course are always fun to spot too.
Though some of the creations are a lot larger, especially around the perimeter of the mini-golf course, which climbs further up the hill and runs alongside the road.
Visiting with young Alice was really fun, as her sense of wonder is – of course – child-like (but Carlucciland is the kind of place to bring out a child-like wonder in mature audiences too!).
Alice surprised me too, pointing out with great excitement, ‘It’s an anvil!’. I asked her how she knew it was an anvil… I should have anticipated the answer, ‘Minecraft, Mum!’ – of course.
I also loved that there were lots of beautifully planted flowers and succulents, as well as a water-fall feature, which attracted butterflies and dragonflies.
And the final score? 56 to Alice and 63 to Mum! She WON! Congratulations Alice!
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