Dear morning… (with children on a school day)

Dear morning,

If it was just you and me,
I reckon we’d get on just fine,
But, as it is, my morning mood –
isn’t mine to own.

You see, I share my waking moments –
with my children (and my husband).
Their voices sway my emotions –
though I try so hard not to let them.

My inner voice works double time,
to hold a positive mood;
half of it convincing me,
the other half, spouting messages, to my children.

I open the blinds, greet the day with thanks,
splash cold water on my face,
and chase the dog outside.
The fresh air is my tonic.

As soon as I’m outside I’m awake,
I inhale the scent of the day –
Be it dry and warm, with the floral scent of summer,
or the scent of wet grass in the rain.

Sometimes the sound of the gulls and the sea calls to me,
carrying the scent of salt and seaweed on an onshore breeze.
But the call of family is ever present – drawing me indoors –
It’s here my morning can fall apart – depending on the mood.

Breakfast, school-lunches, books in bags,
uniforms on, hair to brush and tie back, teeth cleaned…
maybe time for a morning brew –
clock is ticking – the morning is racing –
and my inner voice is trying to stay positive…
whilst a part of me just wants to crawl back and deny its presence.

If everyone is on good form, pulling together and helping,
then I start to feel great and embrace the day,
with relief that everyone else is happy.
The school run, with a positive tribe, is a happy thing indeed.

Once all at school – providing they are happy –
I can really acknowledge the day
(if not, I’m a bucket of tears and turmoil!).

If all is good, then finally,
I am at peace with the morning!

© Sarah Lee, 5 April 2016



Joining in with National Poetry Writing Month – 30 poems in 30 days


and April Love 2016 – A Month of Love Letters
