Dear Home…
It took me many years to love you,
without a gnawing pain in my heart.
For many years I ached to return –To the land where I was born and raised,
to the family I said farewell to,
and the place of my ancestors.It took me years to accept you,
but finally I have, though sometimes –
I have to leave you to come back anew.You are where I became a mother,
a woman with three children,
born in your hilly arms, a welcome home.I am, for now, committed to you,
like the rain that runs down your hills,
into the harbour, rivers and sea.Wellington, I feel you –
running through my veins.© Sarah Lee, 4 April 2016
Joining in with National Poetry Writing Month – 30 poems in 30 days
and April Love 2016 – A Month of Love Letters