It’s the second week of term 1 and we are getting well into our stride. Thankfully the first two weeks of this term have been short ones – four day weeks (if only all weeks were four days on, three days off!).
We headed over to Martinborough for a couple of days this weekend, to enjoy the Martinborough Fair on the Saturday and the Farmers Market on the Sunday.
Hubby was particularly delighted that the ‘Super Bowl’ coincided with a public holiday here in New Zealand (and the team he supports won!).
Our girls are adjusting well to their new classes and routines, with a little bit of apprehension with school camp coming up for our older two daughters next week. Our oldest is off to stay at a Marae for three days, whilst our middle daughter is off to Highland Home Christian Camp in Ashhurst for three days (with Daddy going along as parent help!). Meanwhile, I shall be at home with our youngest, who has a couple of fun activities within her school day to look forward to.
It’s also a busy month of Birthdays for us, what with hubby’s Birthday on the 12th and our youngest daughter turning six. The girls social calendars and extra-curricular activities are making our evenings and weekends very busy. There’s gymnastics for our younger two, touch rugby for our middle daughter, fencing for our eldest daughter and then all the choir practices and productions that our eldest is involved in (we are really delighted for her getting into her school Choral this year).

Sophie & Alice hanging out in the sunshine at the playground before their first gymnastics class of the year.
Our middle daughter has to learn a new instrument this year (she’s already learning piano) and came home yesterday with a violin in hand! It’s fun and games remembering the items the three girls need to take with them on any given day of the week, I have lists upon lists!
Thankfully the weather has continued to be gorgeous and we are making the most of the light evenings. Hubby likes to get out on the kayak or paddle board, or simply take the dog for a walk around the block.
I am running and enjoying yoga (around hanging out the washing and all the other household duties that are just part of family life!).
Training is seriously ‘on’ for the Cigna Round the Bays Half Marathon on 21st February. It’s been tough, sweaty work training in the heat, but I love the calm feeling I get after a run (even if it isn’t easy to push myself out of the door; often more preferable to sit in a hammock, under the shade of a tree, and read a book!).
The last few days of the school holidays are beginning to fade into a distant memory, but happy memories they are indeed. This year is now picking up momentum and pace fast, with hubby’s work keeping him busy too and a trip to the UK in March will leave me juggling the girls single-handedly (though they are secretly really good for me when he’s away – they know they need to ‘step up’ a bit to keep me a happy Mamma!).
So, whilst we continue to get into the swing of the new school year, I shall leave the memories of our last few days of the summer holiday here..