It’s the day after I bid farewell to my dearest parents. As I write they are winging their way back to the UK, on the long-haul flights from New Zealand to the UK, via Singapore. A big part of me feels empty and numb, trying to stay focused and busy with my three daughters (in the final week of their long summer holidays), whilst the other half feels a huge sense of gratitude for having spent such an amazing month and a half with them.
In trying to stay focused on the positive I am spending time going over and over the wonderful moments we shared together. The moments will fade in our memories over time, sadly for some of us quicker than others, but the feeling of love, and the appreciation of having such a caring family, will stay strong in our hearts and souls for longer.
It was indeed a treat to have this time. It wasn’t an easy journey for my parents to make, but they left with sun kissed faces, and sprightly legs, after copious walks over the hilly trails and beaches, of Wellington and beyond.
Their bodies are charged with a special dose of Vitamin D to face out the shorter days of winter in England and with thanks to Skype, and all the photographs we took, we shall be reminiscing for months.

Splashing around in the sea at Breaker Bay, are Sophie (left) and Alice (right,) with their friend in the centre, and Monsieur Cocoa, our energetic Cavoodle.
I shall treasure the walks we shared more than anything else. To be out in nature, enjoying the most amazing scenery, and seeing it together, without having to spend a cent (well, maybe a few – on an ice-cream and a drink at one of Welly’s awesome cafes afterwards!), was the richest of treasures.
My dear folks always brought my sister and I up to appreciate nature. It is a gift that I hold very close in my heart and endeavour to share with my children whenever they are receptive.
There are many times when they need to be persuaded to accompany us on a walk (other times they flat out refuse!), but I know, from my own childhood memories, that eventually they will be grateful. I can’t tell you how happy I feel to hear one of my children say, ‘Thanks Mum for encouraging me to go on that walk, I actually really enjoyed it’. Success!
It’s often walks like this one, that I shared with my folks, two of my daughters, Sophie & Alice (on the right), and their friend (Sophie, on the left), that are the best. It was a walk that mixed cliff top scrambling (in a fairly strong Wellington northerly wind) and beach.
There were rock pools to investigate and driftwood to climb over, there was the temptation of the sea to paddle in and historical landmarks to ponder over (with modern day markings that tell a story of their own).
There were signs telling of the history of the land and the people that had first discovered it, as well as the importance of the land as a natural reserve in the current time.
What’s more, this walk started – and finished – at a playground in Seatoun (always a winner for the young ones!).
And… to finish up the afternoon (before heading off to collect my oldest daughter from an art workshop) we enjoyed a visit to a cafe in Scorching Bay (where an impromptu dip in the sea was too hard to resist!).
A gorgeous place to spend a very memorable time. I love that so much of this past month has been spent walking the trails I often frequent, but shared with my dearest folks.
For more information on this walk visit ‘Enjoy the Outdoors – Oruaiti Reserve – Wellington City Council‘.
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