Mini creations

Last Thursday I picked up my youngest daughter from school and we headed straight to the museum – Te Papa – in Wellington. The museum is open late on a Thursday night and she’d been asking to go for a few weeks, so I finally made it happen. I used to spend so much time there with my older two children, when they were pre-schoolers, and it is always a place of inspiration.

The scene from Level 6 of Te Papa Museum, in Wellington, over looking the harbour at dusk.

The scene from Level 6 of Te Papa Museum, in Wellington, over looking the harbour at dusk.

Our favourite mother and daughter moment was on Level 5, in the art gallery, where we took the time to draw one another’s portrait! Much fun!

Alice drawing at the museum of Te Papa, Wellington

Alice drawing at the museum of Te Papa, Wellington

At the museum, we bought some stretchy putty to make, which Alice (age 5) and her older sister, Sophie (age 9), enjoyed playing with immensely!


Alice & Sophie enjoy playing with their stretchy putty that they made themselves.

Alice has also had fun being creative with play dough this week…

Play dough person, by Alice

Play dough person, by Alice

Meanwhile, our oldest daughter, Charlotte, has turned 12 and has been decorating her bedroom with her drawings!

Miss 12's new bedroom art.

Miss 12’s new bedroom art.

She was excited to bring home her first laser cutting pieces too (something she’s going to be doing lots of in Term 3 of this school year).

Laser cut art by Miss 12.

Laser cut art by Miss 12.


This artwork she’d created at school is cool too – using lino and ink (here’s a useful print out with instructions, ‘Roll ink onto lino board – printmaking‘ – if you’d like to have a go!). In school she had to choose a well know person’s portrait to put into art. She choose Rebecca Robeson (of Robeson Design), who is someone she admires for her interior design work.


Finally, there’s been some lovely piano practice happening from our Sophie (she started lessons this term).


Linking up with…

Mini Creations