The seagulls flock together at dusk, thankful for a calm evening, after a torrid week of storms.
On the high hills, of the greater Wellington region, the wind catches on the cliff edge, strong enough to lean into and imagine one could fly.

Alice, age 5, taking in the view at the top of the Rimutaka Hill, between Wellington and the Wairarapa.
In the Botanical Garden of the capital city the deciduous trees beckon in the autumn, forming a stand of gold and red hues against the evergreen native stronghold.
The rose bushes of summer linger on, long into autumn, defiant, in their coloured brilliance, to the shortening of the days.
The beaches are quiet, the camper vans rare, no bathers in the sea and only the brave on their surf boards. Winter is coming, though the blue sky beguiles the armchair watcher.
These are just a few of the beautiful landscapes of Wellington in autumn; at least, when the sun is out. On the less inclement days I’m to be found immersed in a landscape of a different kind – on the couch with a good book!