Mini Creations

A tweet reminded me of this lovely ‘Linky’ (‘Mini Creations‘ by Kid GL loves), run by a couple of great kids, in the UK, to celebrate the creations our children produce.

All too often I wish I’d taken a photograph of a particular creation – but then the moment has passed, the item has been lost, gifted to a friend or put out with the rubbish in a clear-out.

One such item was a gorgeous origami dress card my eldest daughter made for a friend’s Birthday this past week. I didn’t take a photo, but it was a lovely creation. However, to make up for it, I’m posting up a photo of a gorgeous ‘Merry Christmas’ box she made two year’s ago! I found it this week, whilst unpacking all the Christmas decorations, and she kindly agreed to ‘let it go’ along with our ‘Elf on the Shelf’ for a lovely family we know.

Elf on the Shelf

Our eight year old surprised us this week with a beautiful painting of ‘heart cookies on a tray’, after a trial day at her older sister’s school. She’s going to give school a go next school year, starting end of January 2015! After a few year’s of home schooling it will be a big change, but she turns nine on Boxing Day and she is keen to try and make it work. Here’s hoping!!

Painting by Miss 8

Finally, my cute as a button four year old (five in February!) greeted me home the other day with a gorgeous sign, saying, ‘Mummy, I heart you!’. She hasn’t been to preschool or Kindergarten, what with us travelling and living in the USA the past year and a bit. She’s such a happy, chatty love and it’s lovely to see her starting to write and read under her own steam.

4 year old Alice

She was treated to a gorgeous new ‘time-piece’ this week, which she is so delighted with and loves checking the time (as well as her reflection!) in it.

Alice's new time piece

Ooooo, one more creation before I leave…. this gorgeous ‘Frozen’ Christmas tree!!

Frozen Christmas tree!