It started with a treasure hunt, through dinosaur den, bamboo forest and pirate hideout; before quickly rolling into pin the tail on the tic-toc croc and find the gold doubloons in the sand.
There was blue jelly with orange boats sailing the high seas, a water melon doubling up as ship and a chocolate cake pirate hat, inspired by the Disney ‘Jake and the Neverland Pirate Party‘.
The afternoon was full of pirate dancing and walking the rock (since we did’t have a plank). There was barely a dry pirate in sight.
Miss 4, our ‘Pirate Princess’ was delighted that her dashing pirate companion, Ollie, was there to ride the high seas with her; whilst the older pirates checked on the rum supplies and tried to keep the inflatables afloat in a storm of giggling, wriggling, little pirate limbs.
Miss 8 and 10 led the younger pirates in their treasure hunting and game play, whilst practicing their knot tying skills on any unruly little scallywags (not that anyone was really a scallywag – a pirates were on top form – we were just glad the life-sized cardboard one on the front door didn’t come to life!).
A pirate lunch should happen more often on a Sunday afternoon me thinks. Aye, it was pure gold me hearties!
Linking up with my friend Meghan at ‘The Adventures of MNMs’ for…