There’s running gear going through the wash every day,
I’ll skip a latte for a smoothie or water.
The wine in the fridge is staying put longer,
When I sleep, it’s with complete mind-body exhaustion.
I do stretches at random moments in the day,
and play my children at tag with greater guile.
I greet my running shoes with a welcome smile,
and head out the door without hesitation.
On strong days I pump my arms like pistons,
powering my legs as I stride out thinking,
‘I am really feeling like a runner!’
There are other days when I feel weaker,
When my throat dries with thirst at every mile,
and my tongue licks salty lips in need of a drink.
The air I breath in is hot and suffocating,
as I learn to run, where the temperatures are hot,
the sun relentless, the shade hard to find.
My muscles are still getting stronger,
new yet to running and easily tender.
I hold back from over doing it –
my training schedule keeping me straight.
So tempted to run and run on those strong days –
but the risk of injury could lay me up for weeks.
I’m learning as I go, loving the freedom of being out in the open, running, just like I was born to do.
© Sarah Lee, March 2014
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