I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Loving sunny days after a storm…
and a huge tree swing (that survived the storm – which I could’t let pass without a poem!).
Loving this pair of cute ‘book ends’!
Loving the renovation at one of my fav cafes (often visit for ‘Sunshine School’ with my natural learner!), ‘The Chocolate Fish’ in Shelly Bay, Wellington, of this outdoor space…
and seeing the delight of my young three year old at a piece of driftwood that is (to her) ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ (she loves that song).
Loving seeing our first born daughter turn her first decade and make us so proud (of course there was some reminiscing on the night she was born – in a poetic fashion). She had a gorgeous Birthday at home with her sisters and a simple birthday tea with neighbours and a school friend. The next day she celebrated in a big way, with the whole of her Year 6 girls from school. It was bitter sweet, as we leave at the beginning of August to start our new adventure in Santa Barbara, California.
Loving the surprise of chocolate from hubbie when I need it most (it’s been quite a week after the storm… two trees waiting for arborist to clear, the spa pool cover lifted off, leaving the spa pool needing an empty and clean, Dan’s car door dented by someone in a carpark and our boiler breaking down and needing replacing – a whole week without hot water, and our daughter’s laptop costing a fortune to be fixed after internal ‘water damage’!). Ah well… such is life!
Loving snow on the horizon – blanketing the mountains of New Zealand’s south island, within sight of Wellington’s south coast.
And sunsets, oh how I’m savouring them right now. As much as we are excited about the next chapter in our lives, we have a gut feeling that we may not see these sunsets, on Wellington’s stunning and rugged south coast, for a while – making every one we have left all the more special.