The Photo Gallery | Self Portrait

The Photo Gallery theme this week is, ‘Self Portrait’. Lately I’ve been putting myself in-front of the camera a lot more frequently – in response to my children often asking, ‘Where’s Mummy?’, when they look through photo albums of themselves from their younger years. The majority of the time I am behind the camera, capturing all those magic moments – completely forgetting that I am a part of that moment and should make sure I record that too!

And, occasionally, it’s nice to take a photo of myself alone, too. I am normally always with one of my three daughters. Time by myself, even for half an hour, is something I value immensely. I particularly enjoying spending time in nature – by the beach, walking or jogging.

The photo below I took on holiday. I was gazing out of the window of our holiday villa. The view before me was of the ‘Remarkable’ mountains and Lake Wakatipu, in Queenstown, New Zealand. It was a mesmerising view, always changing with the time of day and the mood of the weather. Just a moment enjoying that view left me spell-bound for a long time afterwards.

Self portrait

Obviously I have manipulated the original image – a cinematic style – an escape from reality. Personally I think we all need a little escapism in life (if I had more time perhaps I’d sit and meditate for an hour… but in reality these little slices are all I have right now – so I intend to make them quality! Ha!). x

The real me can usually be found covered in paint, flour and other ‘stuff’, chasing children indoors and outdoors, often with a load of washing to hang out, mess to put back where it belongs, meals to make, stories to read. But, I’m always at my happiest outdoors. I really don’t do well stuck in the cabin for long (at least, not with children… but give me a roaring fire, a glass of Pinot Noir, a good book and perhaps a massage… now we’re talking!).

the real me

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Linking up with the wonderful ‘Photo Gallery’ at Sticky Fingers
