Day one, term two in New Zealand. And, after several months of sunshine, no wind and little rain, it was an absolute shocker of a morning for school drop offs.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to battle the weather (hubbie kindly dropped our school goer off – Miss 9, Charlotte – before catching a plane up to Auckland for a couple of days work). Which left me at home with my homeschooler, Miss 7, Sophie, and Miss 3, Alice, but with the scene in our back-garden looking like something out of a tropical rain-forest (without the temperature to match) there wasn’t going to be any ‘outdoor’ learning!
A friend posted a video of severe floods around the Basin Reserve, in Wellington, and it looked like the cars had turned into boats – no wheels in sight!
Whilst Charlotte was at school working hard, our home-schooler was diligently working today too (she’s recently got into ‘Monster High’ and will work hard for the reward of a doll, a book, or anything ‘Monster High’!). I have to say she’s brilliant with young Alice. The pair of them are generally very good together – though it is full on with both of them at home all the time!
A few moments captured from today…

So, it’s just me and my girls tonight. They’ve been really good for me. Miss 9 was straight into her maths homework (which I struggle to be of any assistance with these days… too many years with my brain in sleep deprived, nappy changing mode, is my excuse) and her spelling words, which she had to combine into a paragraph, were causing me to reach for the dictionary when she asked for more details!
Anyway, I’m all organised for tomorrow, and will get the troops together and out the door at 8am. I’m just waiting for Miss 7 to stop talking and drift off to sleep now… at 10pm!