It’s dark at 6pm, but still warm to play, and cheer on the man of the house in a game of footie.
And make sure he’s well looked after, when the match is done…
The garden hints at autumn with the leaves on the silver birch starting to turn and fall.
The scarves and boots have found their way out from the hidden depths of the wardrobe. Feet have been covered in socks and heating turned on.
The swimming pool becomes a favourite place to burn off energy in the early evening, now that it’s dark outside.
And young Alice finally plucks up the courage to jump in the pool, without holding on to anyone… (okay the noodle helped!).
The beach doesn’t hold the same appeal and we take to the parks with renewed interest. Following the trails at Karori Park, where our eldest will soon run in the ‘Western Zone’ cross-country race.
She shows her sisters the trail…
And over the stepping stones, that she tells us she isn’t allowed to use on the race – but has to cross through the stream…
Dan and I take a moment together (as I hobble along on a bust ankle) and marvel at being blessed with three healthy, wonderful daughters, each so unique in their own special way.
And though I can’t go running right now, I can still hobble on the beach, enjoying some time with my thoughts, whilst hubbie holds the fort at home for a spell on a Saturday morning.
Watching the planes descend on Wellington, from the blue above, through a blanket of cloud, that shields the glare – of an otherwise brilliant star.
And enjoying the time to enjoy the beauty that is here, missed in detail when I’m on a run – but savoured in fullness at a limping pace.
Linking up with Meghan (who has been away this weekend, attending New Zealand’s Bloggers Conference with a load of creative ladies)!

(this week a fabulous raft race is shared)…