For years I shirked my health and partied hard after work, then I had children and put them first – keeping active and fairly fit, but still not prioritising my health. Finally, this year, I am listening to friends and family and making this time, right now, the time I take back my health and put it first.
Exercise for my mental and physical health, so I can be a strong, happy, healthy Mama to my three wonderful daughters.
I came home this evening, after an 8.8 kilometre run in 40 minutes, and was inspired to put this photo collage together. The feathers in the last photo were a little something I gathered for my youngest daughter, who has recently turned three. She still misses me when I run – so I always collect a little nature treasure, whilst I’m on my run, to give her when I come home.

Thank you to my family for loving me and giving me the time to get myself back. It feels amazing! x