Loving a last blast of summer sunshine (and hoping today’s slightly cooler temperatures ease off for a little longer yet). We enjoyed a gorgeous last few days with Grandma & Granddad, at Scorching Bay on Tuesday morning and Zealandia on Monday, (before they flew home to a very cold welcome in England… thankfully their neighbours popped in and turned up the central heating!).

Loving that we are well into our fourth week of this school year and finally finding our stride all round. Charlotte scored super high in all her start of year tests – with a reading and spelling age of a 13 year old (she’s 10 in June!) and maths above average too! Sophie is enthused to be learning and racing through the fabulous ‘Start Right‘ workbooks for Year 3, Alice is thriving at home (having just turned three) and is drawing, creating and being her good natured self alongside all the goings on. So, hurray!

Love this first drawing of ‘Mummy’ that Alice did today (I look like something between Nemo with legs (thanks Robyn!) and Mike Wazowski, from Monsters, Inc). I did ask, ‘Does Mummy have only one eye?’ and she laughed, saying, ‘No, but you look funny with one eye’! Nice that she gave me two legs, two feet, two arms (that look more like flippers), two lips, a nose, a pony tail hair doo and a ‘puku’ (tummy button). So cute!

As already mentioned, my dear folks flew home to England on Tuesday evening (arriving back Thursday morning NZ time) and are already getting back in their own groove (Dad’s played a game of golf – in 1 degree temperature!). Alice gave them a gorgeous cuddle before they left and is now back to regular Skype chats.

Loving that they were here to share the celebration of Alice’s 3rd Birthday (and Dan’s 40th – shhh!).
Loving the sunflowers in our garden (even though the nights are ever so slowly drawing in – lit my first candle and poured my first glass of Pinot Noir for a very long time… there’s no denying Autumn is approaching).

Loving having a window of opportunity to go for a run (wish I could do so more regularly!) – and discovering I did 7.5km in under 40 minutes on my return (there were some hills, a bit of walking and stopping to stretch…)!
Finally, loving these chocolate covered coffee beans (that I bought for hubbie on Valentine’s Day – but keep swiping at regular intervals – I figure he’s happy, if I’m happy?!) x
On a sadder note, this was my favourite miracle story of survival from the tragic earthquake that struck Christchurch two year’s ago today, killing 185 people in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes.
Loved Prince William’s words, said at a Christchurch Earthquake memorial service;
“My grandmother once said that grief is the price we pay for love. Here today, we love and we grieve.
We honour the lives and memories of all those who did not survive the earthquake. New Zealanders and those from many countries around the world who came to this city as visitors or to make it their home, our thoughts and our prayers are with their families, wherever they may be.
With the Queen’s heartfelt good wishes and those of the Prince Charles and other members of my family, I say it to you now.
Kia kaha, be strong.”