As I sit down this Friday evening, and reflect on the week that has been, I acknowledge the tougher moments of family life that have been – but let them go now. This is time to capture the magic, the moments to hold on to, to keep us strong, to see us through.
The moments when even the rain feels good on your skin – like on Monday morning, when I walked from the doctors, across the city to sea bridge in Wellington, to meet up with my family at the museum.
A moment of quiet reflection on Tuesday evening, watching the sun set as a southerly wind brought dramatic waves churning on the south coast, and acknowledging that we are now prepared, as a family, to relocate to Santa Barbara later this year – for Dan to take up an amazing opportunity with his work.
Hearing the laughter of young Alice, as she enjoyed a late evening play with her Mummy and Daddy (whilst her sisters were busy with friends), and seeing her delight when she found a driftwood dragon to sing ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ to.
She’s got such a lovely nature and character.

Magic moments of family time on Waitangi Day – falling mid-week on a Wednesday this year – and evenings on the beach, watching the surf roll in.

The delight of walking into the museum on Thursday and being treated to the amazing sound of the Melbourne based ‘SKIN’ choir as part of their visit to New Zealand for the Te Hononga MoemoeÄ – The Dreamtime Connection. Te Hononga MoemoeÄ is the first step in establishing a Trans-Tasman music exchange between the indigenous MÄori music community of New Zealand and the indigenous music community of Australia.
The wonderful feeling, this Friday morning, of escaping the house (and ignoring the laundry) to jog to Island Bay and find a piano – of all things – right at the end of the wharf!

Did I play? Of course! I couldn’t resist… but didn’t get very far with so many inactive keys – though I still managed a few nursery rhymes for young Alice to sing along to.

And this evening, now that my children are all asleep, my husband and father out drinking well deserved beers and having some ‘man time’, I sit and reflect on the positives of the week – when there have been plenty of post school stresses too (phew – can we roll back to the summer holidays already please!).
And thanks to my Mum and Dad for the new dress too (I definitely christened it today – getting totally wiped out by the surf at Lyall Bay, whilst paddling with young Alice this afternoon!).

Linking this post with other lovely folks at Meghan’s blog who, ‘Wholeheartedly believe, that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.‘