She woke full of sniffles, & tired with a cold, but giggles came soon – when we sang Birthday greetings, all five of us together, in the bedroom.
We had no big party to stress over, just kept it simple, and it turned out to be the most wonderful Birthday (almost) ever!
It was Alice’s beautiful nature that made the day, she had no big expectations, and she was just happy with a song and a play.

She couldn’t believe the gifts were for her. She asked, ‘Has Santa been?’ and started to pass the gifts out to each of us in turn!

In the morning we took her into Wellington, where she drove a sports car made to fit (just as well the speed matched Mama’s pace – as some emergency steering was needed quite a few times!!).

Soon after the excitement, of a spin in the car, she took a nap in her buggy, and didn’t stir – until the Chinese dragons woke her, in a wonderful display, in the heart of Te Papa’s foyer.
Moored on the waterfront was the new Rainbow Warrior – a wonderful surprise to add to our morning.

In the afternoon we rested at home. Alice sleeping again.

She took a while to come to after her nap…

And then, finally, she found her Birthday mojo – after a little Pamol, fizzy drink & popcorn to eat!

She was climbing, swinging, chasing bubbles and batting balloons. She jumped on the trampoline and filled her new bag with popcorn (as a newly turned 3 year old will do).
Our wonderful neighbours came to join in the fun and the adults charged their glasses with bubbles to celebrate Alice’s special day. So, so magic to have my dear folks over from the UK to celebrate with.

She played with the new Tidmouth Sheds, from Grandma & Granddad, wearing her new Peppa Pig outfit from Chinese Grandma & Granddad (who she’d spoken to on Skype earlier in the day).

We all got together, to light the candles on her cake, and watch her delight as she blew them out after singing Happy Birthday.

The evening rolled on naturally, with the driveway cleared of the cars for mini games of tennis and cricket.

Night time came and Alice drifted to sleep, listening to a lullaby on the iPad as many children of 2013 now do!
She said, ‘Thank you for a lovely day’ and definitely now knows the number 3. She’s been such a blessing, so much fun. We can only hope her beautiful nature continues to go on and on!

We love you SO MUCH Alice!
From Mummy, Daddy, Sophie & ChaCha! xxxx