Poor young Alice has been sick since 1am this morning. She’s not held down anything, food or liquid, and has a temperature. It’s one of those darn 24-hour tummy bugs. I’ve been ill too (thankfully not actually spewing!) and have spent all day Sunday cuddled up with young Alice (who is thankfully a ‘happy’ sick lass – since she still has the mind to bake cakes and visit mini-golf… but sadly no can do today).

Yesterday she was a bucket of sunshine and unstoppable energy. My folks and I took her to visit the Pataka art gallery in Porirua (whilst Dan took the older girls to be ‘mall rats’ in Queensgate, Lower Hutt – lucky him!).

Always the way with these bugs – come and surprise us with little warning and change the day from sunshine to dreary (though outside it’s actually been bloomin’ beautiful – the others went down to Island Bay for the ‘Day in the Bay’ Festival – and are spending the evening at friends enjoying a good feed and great company).
On the bright side, this could all be happening later in the week, when we’ll be celebrating the man of the house turning 40 (shh!) and Alice turning 3, but with a bit of luck the bugs will be long gone.
And Alice will be back to her bright, bubbly self, laughing hysterically at the world.
Giving us impromptu little performances and sharing stories, like the ones we were treated to at Pataka on Saturday…
Hoping she starts holding down some liquids soon and we eventually have good sleeps to rev up for Birthday celebrations!