In our little corner of the world – Wellington, New Zealand, the New Year started with a roar of strong winds on the 2nd of January, which quickly abated to give us the most glorious sunshine weekend to start the year with. I can’t remember the last time I saw Wellington’s beaches so busy. I went for a jog on Saturday 5th January – my first of the year – and it was glorious to see the coast alive with folks making the most of the sunshine.
It was also wonderful to see the Island Bay Marine Education Centre open, after a devastating act of vandalism poisoned the water supply.
The whole of New Zealand was bathed in sunshine – a perfect greeting for our ‘Super Grandparents‘, who arrived off their long haul flights from the UK, on Friday 4th January, to be met by their three, energetic, cheeky grandchildren.
In all the preparations for my folks visit the girls have been great about making the house ready. Charlotte added her latest artworks of 2012 to her growing gallery on the walls of the landing and up the stairs. Sophie gave up her bedroom (which she doesn’t actually sleep in anyway – just makes a mess in, builds lego, plays imaginary games with friends and dress-ups!).
Alice – well – she just couldn’t understand all the cleaning – and thought we were taking her away on an airplane on Friday morning… until she actually saw her Grandparents walk off the plane. She was then all smiles, giggles and happiness. She ADORES them so much and is full of cuddles and love for them both.
She loved taking them around Wellington Zoo on Saturday (and then had a slumber in the buggy – leaving Grandma and I with the opportunity for a quiet cuppa – whilst Grandad got introduced to a huge tree swing opposite the zoo by Sophie!).
And also there’s the little things to love, like sunflowers in the garden, Alice finding her drawing mojo as she nears 3 year’s old, Dan having some time off over Christmas and New Year, time to read (loving ‘Life of Pi’) and meet ups with friends.
Hope you have found something to love this first week of the new year. x
Click below to find out what other lovely people have found to love in the past week, as the new year dawned.