Things I’m Loving…

A Monday that started with rain and wind, where the only sign of summer was the strawberries on my muesli, gave us a breather in the afternoon. Sunshine peeked from between the clouds as Sophie and Alice ran around Katherine Mansfield Memorial Park playing ‘peek a boo’ with their little wooden dolls.

Peek a boo

After school pick there were gelato ice-creams and giggles with a school friend of Charlotte’s who came round to play. The garden was full of laughter and children playing – as a neighbour’s children came to join in the fun.

Tuesday morning started without purpose. It was one of those mornings that I dressed with colour, but didn’t feel it within. I projected the image of a happy hippie – but felt a black gothic look inside.

Finding my colours

But a phone call from a friend soon put the morning straight. She came round with her two children – one the same age as Sophie, the other Charlotte’s age. Sophie and her friend did maths practice over a game of darts (as six year old natural learners like to do), played animal rescuers, played some music and took turns hanging in the hammock.

The older sibling took some cool photographs around the garden and is always good company.

Thankfully, by Tuesday afternoon, I did find my colour sparkle – just in time for a visit to Charlotte’s school, where we had the opportunity to see her work and admire her poetry.


A catch up with a neighbour, and two of her children (around the same age as Sophie and Alice), on Tuesday after school was immense fun. Sophie baked a cake with her friend, whilst I played with Alice and her young friend. I think I got off lightly supervising the two year olds – as the cake the older girls made involved a lot of mess in the kitchen (but the results were yummy!).


A glorious day greeted us on Wednesday, with a partial eclipse of the sun and a Royal visit to Wellington too (blog post about that here)! We spent the morning at Scorching Bay before welcoming Prince Charles and Camilla to Wellington.

Sophie at Scorching Bay

In the evening I enjoyed the chance to walk around the beautiful coast-line, so close to our home.

Coastal flowers

So happy to have a moment to myself to watch the sun-set at Princess Bay and then return home to a happy family and be read a bedtime story by my six year old (she’s started the ‘Judy Moody‘ series).

Watching the sunset


Thursday was full of moments in the garden, from morning till sun-down, with baking before breakfast and shared time with the man of the house, after Charlotte had finished school.

Baking before breakfast

We met up at The Chocolate Fish Cafe at Shelly Bay, where the girls ran and jumped on the bean-bags…

Run! Jump!

And Dan tried to stay focused on his work under a ‘Middle of Middle Earth’ sky.

Dan trying to stay focused on work under a Middle of Middle Earth sky at Shelly Bay.

Back home in the garden we made rainbow wishes for a summer fine.

Rainbow wishes

Watering our strawberries and vegetables with love every night.

Strawberries, peas and tomato plants

In the garden

Enjoying the beauty of freshly picked flowers from the garden arranged in a vase.

Flowers from the garden

And lovely gifts from an old neighbour, Shayne, who had made a surprise visit that morning!

A lovely gift from our old neighbour Shayne


We finished up on a Thursday evening with energetic sprints around the garden, from one place to the next… with the older girls enjoying the new trapeze bar I’d picked up earlier in the evening (and some sand for Alice’s sandpit).


And now it’s Friday and a fine day here in the Middle of Middle Earth. I have Frances round to help me out. Having two children at home full-time I really need a couple of hours to myself to keep me sane. I’ve been for a lovely jog this morning, enjoyed an uninterrupted stress free shower, and now a little time to catch up on all the good parts of the week.

Friday morning

Charlotte went off to school with her speech on a New Zealand artist all prepared in a self-made carry case (she’s adorably kookie at times!).

Charlotte's speech

The man of the house is working hard and going out for some deserved beers this evening. I’m going to be busy entertaining little people in the garden (or maybe they’ll entertain me). Either way… have a great weekend!


Here’s hoping we have a splash of BBQ & hammock lounging weather too xx

Hammock & BBQ time!


Joining in with…