Notes from our Home School Journal: 17 June, 2012

In my life this week…

It’s been a wild week of stormy weather, high tides and huge waves. My big school girl was home on Thursday and Friday, with the cold the rest of the family have been suffering. Having her home was lovely – she is amazing at encouraging and inspiring her home-schooling sister and so good with her youngest sister too. It’s also been a week of big news – which I still can’t share here… not yet (no I’m most certainly not pregnant!).

In our homeschool this week…

Cabin fever has struck – not so much the children, but me. The weather has kept us indoors a lot – not that the children have minded. The children happily play imaginary games and turn the living room into an ocean with boating adventures on the high seas, meeting dolphins, whales and mermaids.

Indoor exploring

There’s been lots of lovely art and writing too.

Sophie's been busy!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

I don’t really feel like I have much to share – only it’s wonderful to have the contact and support of others on the journey. A friend of old phoned me this week. She’s moved away from Wellington and is just starting out on the journey of home-schooling her son. It was nice to offer her some words of support – and in doing so bolster my own confidence that things will work out okay in the end for my home-schooler (who still has anxiety in attending group events, pre-scheduled things and being away from me outside of the home).

I am inspired by…

My oldest daughter! She has been incredible in motivating her home-schooling sister this week. She wrapped up some things for a ‘lucky dip’ and created a chart. Whenever her sister reaches ten – for helping out around the house or doing good learning – she can choose something from the lucky dip box.

Places we went and people we saw…

Other than our neighbour and her wonderful children, folks in the shops and local cafe, we haven’t been anywhere special, but we’ve needed a week of ‘bunking down’.

My favorite thing this week was…

Hearing and seeing my oldest two daughters laughing and playing together.

What’s working/not working for us…

A motivational chart and lucky dip treat box is working… for now!

Bad weather and too much time indoors is not working (at least not for me!). I have tried to get out for ‘a blast’ – but my youngest wasn’t at all pleased at getting a face full of sand and salt air blown in her face at gale force (can’t think why not?!).

Questions/thoughts I have…

Where will we be by Christmas – but trying to live in the present.

Things I’m working on…

Always balance (though I’m pretty good at yoga tree pose, hee, hee!).

I’m reading…

A Phillipa Gregory historical-fiction novel – ‘The Lady of the Rivers’.

I’m cooking…

Dinner, most nights (though there’s been a couple of take-aways).

I’m grateful for…

My family, near and far.

I’m praying for…

The people of Syria and that peace will come.

A photo to share…

Love my girls and all the learning


Linking up with…
