This week on ‘The Gallery‘ Tara has asked us to share a photo we’ve taken on our phone. So many of my snaps are taken on my camera phone – as taking my nice camera out in tow with my three crazy daughters is often done ‘at risk’ of either the camera being damaged – or a child falling off the monkey bars as I rush to put the lense back on my camera before rushing to the rescue.
The photo I’ve chosen to share was taken at the weekend, when we enjoyed a calm, sultry day in Wellington with very little wind (for anyone not in the know – Wellington is famous for wind, so a calm, humid day – akin to the tropics – is rare). It was taken of my six year daughter, who likes to pose (!), trying on one of the many sun-hats the wonderful ‘Chocolate Fish Cafe‘ lends to its patrons (as well as sunscreen). Normally sun-hats in Wellington need either a ribbon round the chin or very quick reflexes to catch the hat as the wind teases it swiftly off.
Since we returned from our New Year holiday up the Kapiti coast we have experienced a typically mixed bag of weather in Wellington – but with a few extremes on the barometer. A day of rain and wind, reminiscent of winter – requiring jeans and Ugg boots to be rediscovered from the depths of the wardrobe, to a day of utter calm, sultry, humid glory, making us feel like taking a siesta and wearing as little clothing as possible.
The changeable weather is keeping the garden green – at least – but makes planning school holiday activities a fly by the seat of the pants affair. I’m just so, so grateful to have the extra help of my dear folks, visiting for six weeks from the UK! They will need a holiday when they return!
* In the above photograph I used ‘CameraBag‘ app for mobile phones, from Nevercenter to modify the original photograph using the ‘Cinema’ photo. I love playing around with different filters and seeing how the mood of a picture can be changed so much. Here’s the original photograph for comparison (click to enlarge):

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