The theme this week on ‘The Gallery’ is ‘Something I Am Proud Of‘.
At first I thought how proud I am of my small boobs for breastfeeding three children past two year’s of age (yes, Alice is going strong and will still be feeding – without a doubt – come her second Birthday in three months time). I really never thought they’d be up to much – but it’s amazing how much milk they can produce! But really, how to photograph that?! Nah…
And then, something happened on Sunday, which by Tuesday I felt proud of…
A most horrible virus took grip of our family in the middle of Sunday night and finally let up part way through Monday night. If I’d had the energy to raise a camera and take a picture of the scene, it would not have been pretty – or one that I particularly want recorded in my photo archives (some memories are better left in the past!). All I will say is that on Monday the entire family was laid very low, with crippling stomach aches, headaches and the inability to hold down even water. Charlotte and Sophie lay in the lounge, dozing in and out of spewing. They didn’t even ask for the television to be on – as the noise and flashing bright light made their headaches worse. Alice was a brick. She slept, she was sick, but when awake she still managed a smile, saying, ‘Poor Alice, sick’.
That was Monday.
Tuesday, after being housebound for two days, and facing a mountain of washing, we couldn’t face it anymore. By 4 o’clock, and having managed to hold down a little food, we went to the beach for some fresh air medicine. You wouldn’t think we’d been horribly sick the day before would you?
We look fighting fit don’t we?! Dan and I had to laugh, as whilst we at the beach we bumped into Sophie’s teacher doing triathlon training! We quickly explained and she totally understood – but you’d never believe we’d been so ill if you’d seen us on the beach this evening.
This was Charlotte…
This was Sophie…
Dan and I felt a lot better too…
And along with Alice wanted to show those nasty bugs where to go!
And just incase that mean ‘ole virus didn’t get the message, Dan did his Jedi mind-warp thing hoping the virus would leave us well alone in future…
And here I am racing with the girls on the beach…
You’d never have thought we’d been so sick. Dan and I looked at our girls laid low on Monday, dozing and barely moving, muscles aching, so still, so calm, so quiet… so uncharacteristic. Dizzy on their feet and wobbly when they walked. They didn’t complain at all, they just surrendered to what they could not control. They rested and fought well. So proud of them.
It was a joy to see them bouncing around this evening and it was as though we were all wanting to pump our muscles in the air and rejoice in the feeling of good health. Of course we’re still a little tired and not completely recovered (possibly still infectious) but we feel a whole heap better, thank goodness! And the running and jumping only lasted half an hour before mutterings of, ‘I’m tired now,’ rang out. But I’m proud of my family for battling on and finding humour when there isn’t much to laugh about.