Time Alone & Together

Me and my two feet, striding out alone. Walking on the beach at a pace of my own. No voices to listen to, but those in my head. My eyes focused on the surf, relaxed and at ease.

Just me and my feet

I’m on my way to meet with a friend. A friend who is a mother, just like me. We met through our children and connected straight away. We both struggle to carve out ‘our time’, devoted to the children we’ve brought into this world. We appreciate the little things, a bath uninterrupted, a walk or five minutes with a book.

Here I am, alone on the beach, a mother, a woman, a person that’s felt the course of life flow in her body and be born into the light.

Just me on the beach on the way to meet with a friend

My friend’s husband and children have gone fishing with my tribe. Whilst they fish and play, we enjoy a little time. A time to reflect on the treasures we’ve been given and the course of life, with its highs and lows.

Gone Fishing

Feeling refreshed for a ‘time out’, our thoughts soon turn to our families again. I get a message with the news that Sophie has caught her first fish. Time to regroup and join in the fun!

Sophie's first fish

Round to Shelly Bay we drive for the best of the afternoon sun and kai moana at Chocolate Fish.

We find the children playing on all the ride-ons.

Aiden, Charlotte & Sophie

Alice digging the tractor.

Alice likes the tractor

And this trike too…


Sophie and Charlotte taking turns to ride like clowns.

Sophie riding fit for the circus

As the afternoon slowly turns to evening we all chill a little on the bean-bags, nearly time to say farewell to good friends and turn to home.

Dan and Alice chilling on the beanbags

Thankful for our time together and the little snippets of time alone. Thankful for longer days, sunlit evenings and friendships.

Shelly Bay