‘Energy’ for Week 32 of Inspiration Weekly (formerly Lyrical Sunday)

At the beginning of 2011 Charlotte came up with the idea of setting a theme once a week and writing a poem on it. It’s amazing to look back on all the poetry and inspiration that’s been produced in the past weeks (particular thanks to Cyndi, from Latte Junkie, for her amazing contributions, to Jen for her poems earlier in the year and to ‘Chicken’ Grandma & Granddad for putting on their creative thinking caps too!).

As we begin to look forward to 2012, we thought we’d broaden the scope of Lyrical Sunday and rename it ‘INSPIRATION WEEKLY’. They’ll still be a theme from Charlotte and I at the beginning of every week (Monday or Tuesday), but we’re going to take that theme and express it in whatever form takes our fancy.

Inspiration Weekly

The theme this week is ‘Energy‘. Take the theme and express it with an image, a photograph, artwork or writing. Come back on Sunday to link up.

Charlotte’s written a couple of poems on her blog here and here.

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