LOVING sisterhood and ancient boulder rocks at Te Papa. Some of the boulder rocks, including granite, serpentine and marble are up to 600 million years old! If only they could talk! Some of the boulders on display at Te Papa’s ‘Bush City‘ were around before the dinosaurs even roamed the planet. Te Papa, our wonderful and FREE museum, encourages climbing and rock hugging π
LOVING rock-pools in the heart of Wellington City. A ten minute stroll from the CBD, there are rock pools dotted along the waterfront of Wellington. An abundance of life fills these salt-water homes. We discovered chitons, cushion star-fish, cat’s eyes in shells, green muscles, limpets andΒ sea-anemones.
LOVING yet more wonders of the rocky shore. We discovered reef stars and kina along Wellington’s city waterfront.
LOVING the wonderful open spaces and facilities for free play in Wellington’s central city. Alice giggled in awe as her big sister, Sophie, scooted up and down the ramps at the skateboard area of Waitangi park.
LOVING colourful, creative, imaginative playgrounds for children on the fringe of Wellington’s city centre. At Waitangi park playground there is opportunity for exploring with sand and water, as well as climbing, swinging and sliding.
LOVING crystal clear waters of Wellington’s harbour and the most beautiful views to distant ranges.
LOVING enthusiasm for learning from Sophie! We are having so much fun together. I’m trying to keep a weekly record of some of our learning on ‘Many Paths to Learning‘ blog – but I’m not updating very regularly, as we’re just too busy learning (and having fun of course!).
Find out what other folks are loving this week…