Charlotte and Sophie have set the theme for ‘Week 25’ of ‘Lyrical Sunday‘ as ‘Musical Instruments‘.
Here’s some ideas…
- Do you play an instrument? If so, how does it make you feel to play?
- Perhaps you love to listen to a particular instrument? What instrument and why do you love it?
- Maybe you tried to learn to play an instrument as a child? Was your experience a good one or not so good?!
- How does music in general make you feel?
- Do you feel different when you play an instrument as opposed to listening to one being played?
- If you don’t play an instrument, what would you like to learn and why?
Please come back on Sunday 24 July and link up with a poem, story, song or piece of music that inspires you when you think of ‘musical instruments’!
And a final piece of inspiration from Charlotte…
Charlotte has been learning guitar for just under two terms and got through her school auditions to play in the end of term ‘performance assembly’ last week! It’s so lovely to hear her play (and so brave in front of a big audience too!).
Here she is rehearsing and also performing in assembly (she told me she was happy to share this with you!).