Tongue Twisters for Lyrical Sunday (Week 22)

Charlotte set a tough theme for Lyrical Sunday this week – ‘Tongue Twisters’ (read her poem, which Sophie illustrated here).

One of my favourite tongue twisters from my childhood and one that I say a lot living by the seashore with my little’uns is…

She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I’m sure she sells seashore shell

Shell on the fishtank

I have shells scattered around the house and ever since Alice was a baby I’ve said this little rhyme, often at bath-time or to keep her amused, whilst we’re racing to get ready and brush teeth in the morning.

Shells in the bathroom

This Sunday morning, whilst cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, I plonked Alice in the sink to play with the bubbles. She reached for the shells and gemstones on the window-sill, playing in delight with them under the running water. I grabbed my camera, took these snaps, and came up with this little poem inspired by the little tongue twister above.

She collected seashells from the seashore,

She sifted, sorted, polished them, till they surely shone.

She put them on the window-sill, by the sink to see,

And put her baby in to play and have a bit of fun.


Join in the fun and link up with this week’s Lyrical Sunday!

Lyrical Sunday