Things I’m Loving…

Loving the unschooling journey we’re embarking on with Sophie. We’re just getting into our stride and learning is happening so naturally. She is such an active learner, constantly on the move physically and verbally (our affectionately named, ‘Chatter Box’). Learning in natural settings really does suit her personality best. Follow our discoveries at ‘Many Paths to Learning‘.

Love seeing this big sister sharing her gelato with her little sister…

Sophie sharing her gelato with Alice

Loving seeing seals a short drive from our home in their natural environment. And loving this beautiful artwork at Oriental Parade, which Alice adores…

Alice looking at the NZ Fur Seal painting on Oriental Parade

Loving Charlotte’s guitar playing. She practices in the morning before school, after school and before bed – all unprompted by us. We love hearing her play.

Loving Sophie teaching herself to play the piano. I bought a book ages ago and both the girls look at it from time to time. Well now she’s really coming on, with finger practice in both the right and left hands (independently at the moment) and she is reading many notes on the stave and understanding the difference between different length beats.

Loving Dan’s willingness to get up to Alice in the night. She’s cutting her eye-teeth and though she’s not been grumpy, she’s not sleeping well either. She wakes up, unable to sleep properly, and ends up having a bit of time downstairs before collapsing back to sleep.

Loving the weather we’ve had this week and seeing the girls playing at the beach, reminiscent of a summer’s day (though the water temperature isn’t too friendly!). Loving that a photo I sent in to TV3’s weather section was put up at the end of the news!

Winter splash at Lyall Bay beach

Loving the amazing full moon this week and the brightness of the sky (even though volcanic ash from Chile has been disrupting people’s travel plans!). And loving the courage of so many people in the face of natural disasters.

Loving the awesome playgrounds that Wellington has in abundance and the wide pavements for child friendly cycling.

Alice gazing up at her sister Sophie on the big pyramid climbing frame at Oriental Parade

Loving the creativity of my daughters in their art and poetry. Love the way they support and help one another in their learning and inspire one another.

Loving that it’s Winter Solstice next week and the days will then start to get lighter. Loving that the girls want to decorate the house to cheer up the dark evenings. Candles, fairy lights and snow-flakes on windows are all go!

Snowflakes on windows


Linking up with PaisleyJade….
