The longest night, many moons ago,
Was bitter cold, with snow on distant ranges.
I wrapped my arms around my swollen middle,
Overly expectant.
I gazed up at the blanket sky,
Dazzled with star light,
Wondering when my new life would begin.
Stirring deep within my womb,
Full of life against the winter gloom.
As the earth spun on its axis,
Turning us back toward the light,
My life changed forever more,
Bringing new life where there was quiet before.
The wild winds of winter howled,
And a new voice called out in the night.
Winter Solstice had moved on,
And a baby was greeted by the lengthening sun.
The days of cold and dark would soon be gone,
And the cries in the night replaced with sunshine song.
By summer the new life that had stirred deep,
Would be crawling freely on grass so green.
Like the womb of a mother, the earth holds close,
The secret essence of life’s new blood.
Through winters grasp we all emerge, into a new and wondrous light.
© Sarah Lee, 2011
Written for Lyrical Sunday (Week 23: Solstice).
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