Loving this gorgeous photo-canvas hanging on our wall, from Bags of Love:
The photograph was taken by Dan one stunning evening at Princess Bay at the end of summer. We don’t get to spend many evenings watching the sunset together these days, but when we do it’s always unforgettable in the best possible way (so long as we remember the insect repellent!).
Anyway I’m LOVING this canvas and will definitely be creating some gifts for my family in the UK soon. Bags of Love produce a wide-variety of high quality personalised gifts, Christmas gifts, baby gifts and photo canvases.
Loving the confidence of our young entertainers in the family. Charlotte and Sophie made it through the auditions to ‘Performance Assembly’ last week. They were so cute! Charlotte choreographed a dance, which Sophie did a great job of dancing along too. And Alice loves bopping along with her big sisters too – and playing her little drum kit…
Loving that today is the last day of term! It’s been a long, eleven week term and Sophie’s first ever school term. She’s settled in great and is looking forward to starting a new class in term two. We are all looking forward to some family time together over the Easter holidays and not having to pack the lunches!
Loving that Alice has such a wild sense of humour, loves to groove to the beat and create her own style of music too, and is beginning to sit still for a few moments to look at a book.
Loving Charlotte’s pre-bed doodle art (Henna tattoo artist in the making perhaps?!):
Loving this ‘Where’s Wally’ jigsaw that Sophie picked up at last weekend’s school car-boot sale. She did it all by herself!
And finally, loving this softie from Paisley Jade, who hosts the ‘Things I’m Loving’ linky on a Friday. How she manages to be so amazingly crafty (check out her on-line shop), be an amazing mother of four, wonderful wife and keep her wonderful blog I don’t know (does she actually sleep I wonder?!). And did I mention she is amazing in the kitchen too?!
Take a look at what other folks are loving this week at Paisley Jade…
Disclosure: I received a complimentary photo-canvas from Bags of Love in return for a written review. My comments are entirely my own opinion and written in my own words.