There’s something magical about the equinox seasons. The garden is thriving and rich, with slightly cooler temperatures and the occasional rain shower. The birds too are feeling revived from days of feeling parched in the dry spells of summer. The few deciduous trees we have are still looking lush, but a few outer leaves are starting to glow in the colour of Autumn.
This week we turfed up an over grown patch of lemon balm and mint by the back door and planted a splash of floral colour in complete denial of the creeping darkness. I found some swan plants at the garden centre, complete with caterpillars. I couldn’t resist the thought of a few Monarch butterflies fluttering around the garden. We shall see if they survive the approaching winds and showers.

On Monday we LOVED finding a parcel on the doorstep from Grandma! It was full of fun stuff to read and make. The girls were kept well entertained after school! And I was thrilled with the lovely books for me (coincidently I’d picked up the very same photograph book on motherhood in a book store that morning, whilst seeking out a Birthday card for my Mum, and then came home to find it in the parcel from my dear Mum!).

Charlotte & Sophie are getting on well in school and we’re of course LOVING that they are so happy. Charlotte’s started guitar lessons and Sophie piano lessons this term too – which so far they are enjoying. And they are even keen to do the not so ‘fun’ stuff… times tables (but with a neat music CD and card game I picked up they are having fun learning!).

And Alice is LOVING that the weather is still fine enough for her to toddle bare-foot (with few clothes) in the garden. She is at her happiest in nature – and the dirtier she gets the happier she is! Thankfully it’s still warm enough to fill the paddling pool, so it doesn’t take long to turn her back into a clean little ducky!

What are you loving this week? Hope it’s been a good one for you.
Linking up with Paisley Jade: Things I’m Loving…
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for… no matter how simple it is.