The new Queen Elizabeth departs Wellington: Bon voyage!

The new Queen Elizabeth visited Wellington harbour today, gliding in gracefully an hour ahead of schedule as the sun was rising. It is the second-largest cruise ship to be built by Cunard, the largest was the Queen Mary 2, launched in 2004.

Queen Elizabeth leaves Wellington Feb 2011

We gathered in Seatoun to farewell her as she departed Wellington harbour, sounding her horn as she left.

People dotted the coastline, many with picnics prepared, to bid her bon voyage. The girls played happily on the beach, watching in awe as she glided in splendour through the narrow exit of the harbour.

Charlotte watched the Queen Elizabeth depart

I felt quite unexpectedly overcome with emotion, imagining her crossing the oceans all the way from Southampton – where Dan and I first met, at Southampton University, way back in 1992.

Bon voyage Queen Elizabeth

I’ve been feeling quite a yearning for England since Chinese Grandma and Granddad’s departure last week. It’s been nearly four year’s since we were last there – the longest time I’ve ever been away. As much as I enjoy our life here it will never be complete. Pangs of home sickness wax and wane like the moon.

But I take comfort in my children’s happiness. They are our priority now and this is their home, where they are so settled and happy.

Sophie playing on the beach

Bon voyage Queen Elizabeth. Take our love with you on your travels across the oceans to our loved ones in England.

Queen Elizabeth


Royal ship arrives in Wellington