Where has this year gone? Happy Birthday darling! We love you so much. You came into this world with such open, loving trust. We are honoured to have you in our family and your sisters, Daddy and I love seeing the world anew through your watchful eyes.

How fast you’ve grown!
From a helpless newborn, nuzzled up close…

to a walking toddler full of smiles and happy chatter…

Your Birthday was full of all the perfect ingredients for a great celebration of your first year; the love of family & friends, from near and far, greetings of love came by letter, card, e-mail and phone. You marvelled at the balloons and wondered at the wrapping paper, as your sisters opened the presents that you weren’t sure what to do with.

We sang, ate and drank, to your good health and happiness, with the company of great neighbours and friends.

You played with your sisters and friends, laughing in the water…

And, as you napped today, I lay next to you and thought about how this time last year we were just getting to know one another. My own dear Mum was by my side, giving me strength, when I was weak, and plenty of cups of tea with added sugar. My heart was filled with happiness at your natural arrival into the world. Charlotte and Sophie had a rougher ride. I was ecstatic to have my dear Mum with me to share in your first precious hours too.
And now you are one! And how wonderful that your Chinese Grandma & Granddad were here to see you take your first steps in the world.

You really are full of life and have already found your dancing feet. Here you are dancing at the cafe this morning… Whilst I nipped in for an essential coffee and you checked out the surf gear!

We’ve had a great time celebrating your first Birthday and we can’t wait to see what your second year has in store for us all… no doubt lots more chatter, fun, chaos and a whole lot of mess! Bring on the mighty toddler years!

Here’s a video-clip of some special moments from your very first Birthday x