It’s Lyrical Sunday time! With Valentine’s Day tomorrow the theme had to be ‘LOVE‘! Come and share the lurve with some prose.
I was up at 6am this morning, with my little Alice Rose (she turns 1 on Wednesday!), and whilst the rest of the house slept in we took a gorgeous sunrise walk. She inspired the poem below. I can’t wait to read your poems too x Put a link to your blog post/poem in the comments below.
First Love Letter
by Sarah
You found your way into our hearts,
And we met you with open arms.
It’s been a year of special firsts,
This letter of love now comes to you.
From sleepy newborn cuddles,
To first smiles and kisses blown.
You came to us with eyes so clear,
Showing us the wonders of your world.
Free love with no conditions,
Only a pure heart can give.
No tainted love by jealousy,
Or ego to tip the scales.
Eyes brimming with trusting love,
Which you place in our hands.
As your honoured guardians,
We will try not to disappoint.
We love you Alice Rose.
A Little Love Poem
by ‘Chicken’ Grandma x
Loving parents are an amazing force of nature.
Their love decides their children’s very future.
Pure adoration and affection,
Helps them in the right direction.
Sometimes the mountain is hard to climb,
But the love they have is just sublime.
Loving grandparents too rejoice,
Whenever they hear a grandchild’s voice.