‘I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… just like the ones I used to know…’
But actually, I’m not! Though I still love that song and it does make me feel all squishy and nostalgic.
In our garden we have plenty of white, but of the flowering variety. I find my eye is especially drawn to the delicate flowers of the Renga renga lilies at this time of year. White makes me feel peaceful and there is a festive feel to seeing the white flowers dripping in beauty down the slope of our garden, like icicles hanging from the branches. Hanging beyond the lilies are glittering baubels the girls have hung up in their ‘Happy Den‘.
And there’s plenty of white decorations hanging from the tree, each with a sentimental link of love to our dear family in England.
Charlotte joined me in walking around the house and garden taking photographs and took this beautiful one of an icicle decoration on the tree.
We talked about colours and poetry, how they evoke memories and thoughts. White instantly stirs in me memories of newborn baby clothes, laid out fresh and waiting; first teeth, so pearly white; virgin snow; a wedding dress and a billowing sail.
Charlotte said she’d like to start a weekly poetry ‘linky’ on the blog with a different theme; such as flowers, food etc. and noted down some ideas. I’ll talk to her some more and maybe we’ll give it a try. Would be a fun, creative activity to do together each week.
In the ‘Advent’ countdown drawer today the activity was to make paper chains and think of the way our hearts are linked to those we love, near and far.
Charlotte made the most wonderful paper chain out of Christmas wrapping paper and hung it above her white cotton bed sheets… so beautiful and festive!
Visit ‘The Gallery‘ this week to see other interpretations on the theme ‘White‘.